This is my latest attempt to modernise my old faithful website Wargaming and Warfare in Eastern Europe (1350 AD to 1500 AD) and to give me an easy way to post up blogs, comments and other wargaming related content. The old website will remain in all its old, outdated static glory. Some of the content will re-appear here , some will be revamped and all will, eventually, be reviewed and updated, honest…
The blog aspect of this new site will show fresh painting, articles and anything else that attracts my magpie brain. Links will be added to the static pages as well to keep things visible. Still feeling my way around this interface so will see how it all develops.
As a rule if a link appears in Bold and Italics it is a link to an external website, including my original one.

Pictures of Miniatures
Muslim Indians, Napoleonic British,
Qin Chinese,
Ancient Spanish,
Syracusian Greeks,
Pompeian Numidian,
Catalan Company (to be added)
Duchy of Warsaw Napoleonics (WIP)